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Clean Out


[Carol Tombari] was among the disappeared from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, where 31 workers were dismissed seven days after President Bush read the words "addicted to oil" off the teleprompter and announced yet another "Advanced Energy Initiative."

"It was a week to the day after the State of the Union," Tombari said. The single mother of three with a son in college was given one month's severance pay.

"I can understand budget cuts. I can understand realigning the mission at NREL. But being treated like a corporate saboteur, that was rough," said Tombari, who has worked in energy policy for more than 25 years.

the political shenanigans have a crippling impact on research. Projects are abandoned, careers are interrupted, lives are thrown into turmoil.

The scientists at NREL "have no peer," U.S. Department of Energy spokesman Craig Stevens crowed last week.

They also have no job security.

» Denver Post - Plug pulled on renewable energy gurus

Excerpt made on Friday February 17, 2006 at 12:46 PM

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