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BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan told a German newsmagazine published Saturday that Iraq is prepared to deploy "thousands of suicide attackers" against the United States if Iraq is bombed.
In an interview published Saturday on the Web site of Der Spiegel, Ramadan was asked how long Iraq would be able "to fight the biggest military machine in the world."

"As long as it takes," he responded, "but why don't you ask the other side how long they will be able to endure. We will be happy when they start their air bombardments against our ground troops. They will meet hard resistance everywhere.

"We don't have long-distance missiles or many bombers, but we will deploy thousands of suicide attackers ... the martyrs," Ramadan said. "... Those are our new weapons and they will not only be deployed within Iraq.

"The Arab people will stand by the people of Iraq in the fight for its independence and freedom. This will be a fire in the whole region."

» - Iraq threatens U.S. with 'suicide attackers'

Excerpt made on Sunday February 02, 2003 at 02:23 AM

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