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Spooky & Scary

powell_germany.jpgBush delivered his long-distance lecture to the world body from the 2002 campaign stump, appearing in South Dakota for Republican candidates. "You need to do your job," he exhorted the U.N.

The president previously had accused the United Nations of risking irrelevance if it did not agree with the United States on a tough resolution.
Refusing to cooperate with inspections is "an immediate red line," Powell said, as he showed little inclination to shade the strong stand the Bush administration has taken against Saddam.

"At no time will the United States foreclose its ability to act in its interest in accordance with its constitutional obligation to protect the nation and protect the people," he said at the State Department.

» Yahoo! News - Powell Stern With U.N. on Iraq

Excerpt made on Thursday October 31, 2002 at 01:24 AM

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